Elite Iv Services

IV Therapy FAQ

frequently asked questions about IV Therapy

Curious about the benefits of IV therapy? Explore our comprehensive IV therapy FAQ section to find answers to commonly asked questions about our services, booking procedures, and more, empowering you with the information you need to make the most of your experience with us.

Read about IV therapy services learn more about how our treatments can boost your energy, enhance recovery, and support overall wellness. Our detailed FAQ covers everything you need to know about IV therapy, from the types of infusions we offer to the science behind them. Discover why IV therapy is a game-changer for your health and wellness today!
James from Elite IV Infusion speaking to a client about IV therapy services

IV (intravenous) therapy involves administering fluids, medications, or other substances directly into a patient’s vein using a small catheter. This allows the substances to be absorbed into the bloodstream quickly and efficiently.

IV infusion therapy works by delivering fluids, nutrients, or medications directly into a vein. This method bypasses the digestive system, allowing for quicker and more efficient absorption. It’s often used for hydration, nutrient deficiencies, and medical treatments.

IV therapy is typically administered by licensed medical professionals. At Elite IV Infusion, the IV therapy will be administered by registered nurses who are trained in safely inserting IVs and monitoring patients during the infusion process.

Our IV therapy infusions can be used to help with a wide range of conditions, including:

  • Dehydration
  • Post workout recovery
  • Vitamin/mineral deficiencies
  • Fatigue and low energy
  • Hangovers and alcohol-related issues
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Chronic pain
  • Respiratory infections
  • Skin, hair, and nail health

Please visit our services page for more in-depth information for each service. We can consult with you to determine your needs and provide the right solution.

Some key benefits of IV therapy include:

  • Fast absorption of fluids, nutrients, and medications
  • Rehydration for conditions like dehydration, nausea, or diarrhea
  • Delivery of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to boost immunity and health
  • Treatment of migraines, hangovers, and other conditions
  • Improved bioavailability compared to oral supplements

The primary advantage of IV therapy is superior bioavailability and faster absorption compared to oral supplements.

Nutrients and compounds delivered intravenously bypass the digestive system, allowing for maximum utilization by the body.This rapid absorption enables IV treatments to provide quicker relief of certain conditions, like dehydration, migraines, or hangovers. Additionally, IV infusions can bypass potential absorption issues some patients experience with oral supplements, making it an effective option for those who don’t respond well to oral intake.


The patients who tend to see the greatest benefits from IV therapy over oral supplements are those with:

  • Malabsorption disorders or gastrointestinal issues that impair nutrient absorption
  • Acute nutritional deficiencies requiring rapid repletion
  • Chronic illnesses where targeted IV nutrient therapies can aid management
  • Conditions needing fast symptomatic relief, like migraines or hangovers

Athletes and those seeking enhanced performance/recovery may also prefer the potent, bioavailable nutrient delivery of IV therapy.

Essentially, individuals who require rapid, high-dose, or customized nutrient treatment are most likely to see superior results from intravenous administration compared to traditional oral supplementation.

When administered by a licensed medical professional, IV therapy is generally very safe. However, there is a chance for infection. We minimize this chance the best we can by using proper clean procedures. Our products are mixed pharmacists in an FDA regulated environment that ensures that the compounds used in our infusions remain clean and safe for our clients. 

Potential side effects are minor and may include bruising, pain, or irritation at the injection site. Serious complications are rare.

Potential side effects are minor and may include bruising, pain, or irritation at the injection site.

We’ll first obtain a medical history before proceeding to determine the safety. A nurse  will start by cleaning the injection site, typically on the arm. They will then insert a small catheter into a vein and connect it to an IV drip bag. The entire process typically takes 30-60 minutes. Patients can relax or work during the treatment. We’ll then instruct you on post infusion care and you can be out to enjoy the rest of your day. 

During an IV infusion session, you’ll be seated comfortably while a healthcare professional inserts an IV line into your vein. The infusion process is generally painless, and you can relax, read, or use electronic devices while the treatment is administered.

The frequency of IV infusion therapy depends on your health goals and medical needs. Many people get IV therapy weekly, monthly, or as needed. We can recommend a treatment plan that meets your personal goals during our free consultation.

IV therapy would not be a good fit for a person with a heart condition, liver disease, or kidney disfunction.  We will consult with you to determine if getting an infusion is right for you. 

A standard IV therapy session usually takes 30-60 minutes to complete. The duration can vary depending on the volume and contents of the IV bag, as well as any additional treatments being provided. However, our NAD+ services is 2-4 hours.

Choose an IV infusion therapy provider with certified and experienced healthcare professionals. Look for positive reviews and personalized treatment plans. Ensure the facility maintains high standards of hygiene and patient care.

Yes, IV infusion therapy is effective for hangover relief. It quickly rehydrates the body, replenishes lost nutrients, and detoxifies the system, alleviating common hangover symptoms like headache, nausea, and fatigue. Check our Hangover infusion page to learn more. 

Elite IV Infusion

"Ready to Elevate Your Wellness?

"Take the first step towards rejuvenation and vitality - schedule your IV infusion now!"